Calculating Return on Investment

Using interactive simulation for skills training reduces training risks and costs. Increased practice time drives skill acquisition and improves productivity of training resources. Studies have shown the effectiveness of virtual reality training in everything from welding to performing surgical procedures. Engagement in learning by the trainee and colleagues increases collaboration and improves overall team outcomes. 


Simulate work with virtual reality and interactive technology tools allowing trainees to explore and experiment with new skills without the fear of physical and environmental harm. Learning new skills involves trying and failing on the path to building competencies. Reducing these risks increases trainees' willingness to explore, practice and as a result improve. Risk reduction.


With pressure to reduce costs and increase productivity, how can schools, industry and government organizations justify spending to bring inexperienced trainees up to the skill level needed for quality operations? However, the investment is critical to staying competitive in today's global and local economies. Technology-based training solutions reduce cost of materials used in training, increase practice time, and improve production quality by increasing employee skill level overall. Material cost reduction.


Mastering trade skills require practice and experience. Side-by-side studies of virtual reality and live training have shown equal effectiveness in skill acquisition. Increase practice time with the same or less instructor resources, increases productivity of training resources and the throughput of skilled workers. Increase in instructor productivity and trainee job-readiness.

ROI Resources

Case studies have been done in effectiveness of use of virtual reality in welding and painting. Results of study of Blended Welding Training conducted by Iowa State University showed increases in team learning and reduction in training costs. Return on investment of Virtual Spray Paint Training calculated from data collected from VRSim's SimSpray™ customers showed significant increases in practice time and resulting effectiveness of training.

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